
3 Conversations You Need to Keep Having with Your Teams

For most of us, this is like nothing we’ve seen before. Decisions and actions happening quickly based on minimal information and hopeful speculation. As a leader you might feel like you have no time to eat or rest you’re so busy trying to keep up, keep the lights on, keep your customers cared for and keep paying your people.

It’s tough stuff. It’s real and it’s OK to be human and feel overwhelmed.

In the midst of crisis and I’d argue even more so, leaders can’t stop talking with each other or with their teams. We must put some intentional thought and focus on how you need to communicate not only as a leader but also as a team right now.

How Building EQ Skills Can Make You a Better Leader

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a proven foundation for key capabilities that drive success in our increasingly complex world of work, and especially the evolving role of leaders. Team leaders and managers at all levels need to be both caring coaches and strategic decisions makers and it’s vital to support people leaders with the right development.

On Planning and Being Present

As leaders, professionals, parents, community members and more, we manage several to-do lists, project plans and strategic goals while cultivating the motivation, vision and strategies to get these lists done. Finding the right balance is challenging yet crucial because when we fail to be present we miss out on critical details, awareness and emotional data that can lead to better decisions and results.