
Is Curiosity the Cure?

Workplace realities have been shifting for a while, but the last year has amplified existing organizational and cultural barriers or beliefs that at best hinder, and at worst, harm. The skills, behaviours, and mindsets we’ve relied on - for decades - must shift if we want to create thriving organizations in a rapidly evolving world.

Navigating the Transition - Reset, Recovery & Resilience

In the adrenaline rush of crisis, we’ve seen some remarkable examples of adaptability, resilience, compassion and innovation in all areas of our work and life. We have also surfaced some deeply troubling aspects of our systems and our society, forcing us to confront our ignorance and challenge our intentions. We’ve become undeniably conscious of what’s possible, which could drive change in ways we haven’t seen before.

Why Conversation is Crucial for Learning

Conversation and social learning supports change because it taps into our neurological systems, triggering different areas of the brain which helps our retention, problem-solving, sense-making and creativity.